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Too Many To Count Two

Saturday, August 01, 2009

more friends

This morning there is a primary activity, a Pioneer day. Brother was waiting outside for his sisters to finish their hair (it's good practice for the rest of his life) and he found a little critter to play with. This is the most wildlife-ish place ever. Last Sunday we saw an otter standing on the side of the road on the way to church. Mama deer and her fawn come into the lawn every day as do frogs and turtles and snakes apparently. At night it is so noisy with the sounds of the night critters. It's been very fun.
Finally ready to go :)

H with her Emma inspired hair-do.
While they are there I am enjoying some free wi-fi at Panera Bread. Apparently it it extremely difficult to get our TV/Internet/home phone bundle sorted out and now Tuesday is the magic day. I am not holding my breath however. Meanwhile we read a lot :) and watch DVD's checked out from the library.


Natalie said...

The kids all look great.
Looks like you will have to teach brother how to recognize a poisonous snake.
Glad things are settling down.
Love you lots.

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

Love H's hair! I have a strong dislike for snakes so that would not be a happy for me- but as for the others- we have a lot of that around us too- and since my boy is an avid animal fan- it is good.

Melanie said...

Your posts about praying for your kids'specific needs totally inspire me. You are such a good mommy!
Glad the move is going well, snakes and all!

Yvonne said...

Her hair looks so cute.

I wouldn't enjoy the snakes. Everything else sounds wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I like your blog, but the fact that your mormon kind of ruins it for me. What a waste of life :\ Hopefully the kids grow out of it, we dont need any more Duggards out there.