Today is my turn to have Lucy's little friends over. The first thing they always want to do is play play-
doh. I am surprised but week after week they love it and want to play and it takes 45min or an hour. It keeps their attention really well. They also love it when I let them paint.
Our lesson time is always welcomed as well. We pray, do the pledge and then march the flag out to the flag pole, do the calendar, have a lesson and song time and story time and a craft.
Today we had two crafts.
The lesson was on the word of wisdom..sort of.
I got out our cute flannel ghosts that Grandma gave us from her classroom and modified the story.
This is how it went.
Once there was a white fence and behind the fence was a house where there lived a ghost family. A mama ghost and 1, 2, 3,4, 5 baby ghosts. The mama ghost taught her babies all the things they needed to do to be good ghosts. One of the things she taught them was that they could only eat milk, marshmallows and vanilla ice cream; so that they would stay nice and white.
One day the mama ghost had to go to the grocery store. She told her babies to be good and play nicely and she would be back soon. After she left the first little ghost decided he wanted to eat a fill in a red food: we told the story many times and used tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, spaghetti. Then he turned red. The next ghost wanted to try a banana (lemon, egg) and turned yellow. The third ghost tried some eggplant (grapes) and turned purple. The fourth ghost turned pink after eating beets (a pink sucker, birthday cake). The last little ghost always tried a chocolate chip cookie.
Then the little ghosts were so sad and worried, they hid behind the fence and didn't want their mom to see them.
When she got home she knew right away what they had done. The babies cried and were so sad. That night was Halloween and they wouldn't be able to fly around all purple and yellow and spotted.
Luckily the mom had lots of vanilla ice cream, marshmallows and milk for her little ghosts so they ate it up and turned white again :)
Then we talked about how we have the word of wisdom and we need to eat things that are good for us. Everyone got to think of things that were good for their bodies. It was very fun.
We also played outside, played dress up, ran around in circles and watched Mulan.
The kids loved to fly the mama ghost around, to switch the baby ghosts for colored ghosts and to hide the babies behind the fence.