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Too Many To Count Two

Monday, October 13, 2008


Sunday evening we had Beloved's bosses over for dinner. Having company two nights in a row has it's advantages. Cleaning the house, day two, is much easier than day one (is there a lesson there?) We were a little more anxious for things to go nicely than we normally are. It ended up being a very nice evening. Dave's kids were really nice and got along well with our kids, and our children were welcoming and friendly. They are usually happy to have other kids over so I wasn't too worried, I was especially glad that Laura, who is 15 and J seemed to hit it off and laughed and hung out in J's room. I thought there would be a lot of airplane talk, and there was very little. The conversation flowed easily and was interesting and covered a broad range of topics. Our grill didn't work so we had a bit of a delay in serving dinner, however the weather was perfect and we pulled chairs out in the backyard and sat around eating hummus and enjoying the cool breeze. After dinner we played Wii. I think everyone had a nice time.
Beloved had the day off work and the kids had a day off of school so we went to the zoo. The big girls didn't want to come. They ran around doing whatever and folded some clothes.

We had a fun time. The weather was nice, the animals were active.
We particularly enjoyed the baby lions and tigers.

After the zoo we went to the dollar show and saw Wall*E, it was cute. It was a fun day off.


Chellie said...

I love your pictures! We saw Wall-E when it came out.. but we liked it so much, I think we'll go see it at the dollar show too! Fun!

allison nadauld said...

Fun day, beautiful cake, and I love the zoo!

nikko said...

I'm glad that the dinner went well!

Yvonne said...

That cake looks delicious.

I enjoyed Wall*E

Jay said...

That cake does look yummy! Sounds like the evening was a happy success! And it IS perfect weather for the zoo! Yay!