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Too Many To Count Two

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Beloved is into politics, it's safe to say he is obsessed :) He studies and knows a lot about the issues and I am proud of him for being so informed and grateful that he shares that with me (sometimes I'd enjoy the readers digest version of the sharing but you know, you can't have everything :) )
So this is a intense time at our house, with Fox News on 24/7 and many talks about gas/national security/Marxism/patriotism/being a chosen nation..and falling from grace.

It is with great trepidation that we await the outcome of next weeks election. (We have, of course, already cast our votes) I worry as I see the values and morals that our nation was built on erode. Will we chose wisely? I pray that we will.

I am not catholic, although I did start out that way :), but this video was very touching to me and I stand with the ideals of family and life that they are promoting.


Yvonne said...

I am sorry to say I do not keep up with everything on the political front. I am very concerned about this election and many of the propositions that are out there.

I love the video clip, too--it was very touching.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Wow, that was powerful and brought tears to my eyes. I spent some time 2 weeks ago on Vatican Hill in Rome. Those Catholics are great people, especially my hubby, a christened Catholic (but converted Mormon!) xoxo

Mel said...

True, I don't think we can make a decision without being prayerful.

Tori :) said...

I've had that video in my sidebar for about a month now and I still tear up when I watch it. Very powerful and too the point!