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Too Many To Count Two

Saturday, October 25, 2008

movie night

last night H, S and I went to see HSM3 at the theater. It was a lot of fun. We got there and waited in a long line with many other girls, teens and moms. I didn't see a single man, but there may have been one or two there. After we got some popcorn and secured "good seats" we sat back to enjoy the energy and excitement. When the movie started there was a big cheer and then 2 hours of singing and dancing, romance and friendship. It was very fun. It might have been my favorite of the 3 movies. 1 and 2 are fun and catchy too.


Yvonne said...

I still have not seen any of them--maybe I'll have to rent 1 and 2 and then go see 3. (Last night we watched Penelope with the kids--cute movie)

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

We went to this too and it was great, I loved how much audience participation our theater enjoyed, it sounds like it was world-wide! xoxox, S

Tori :) said...

I took Izzy on Friday and I agree, this may have been the best of the 2!! FUN movie!

Hey- my word verf. is PAPER