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Saturday, October 25, 2008

mommy myth #264

you know how when your child is sick, really sick, and you feel so badly for them so you let them sleep in your bed, and watch TV and drip Popsicles on your sheets and you don't even mind because you're just grateful they are not getting dehydrated?
That was yesterday.
Today, still sick. Now laying in bed watching TV, ordering room service and whining.

When you get to that point fresh air and sunshine aid recovery, A LOT. It doesn't matter who gets it, the mommy or the sick child, but someone must go outside and breath some fresh air. It makes everything better.


marcia@joyismygoal said...

HA heehee I agree

I have a good life said...

So sorry that he is still sick, but I am super grateful that C didn't come over yesterday! Hope E is better by tomorrow! :)

Holly said...

that is why if the weather permits I like to at least open the windows and let some of the "sick" out...sorry you guys have to be sick over the weekend hope its completely gone by Halloween. I was really sick on Halloween once as a kid...I thought the world as I knew it was over....=)

I have a good life said...

I missed you at church. Hopefully you aren't sick, too! Poor E. I hope he is better soon!

Yvonne said...

Fresh air ALWAYS helps.

(Had a chance to talk on the phone to your mom tonight--what a lovely woman. Then again, she has some pretty terrific daughters ; )