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Too Many To Count Two

Saturday, December 25, 2010

a few more pictures from the afternoon

We spent a nice afternoon, ate too much, played lots of games. Lu got a Disney princess game that we played a few times. Big got cuplunk, which was played a lot. Anna and Amadeo gave us Loaded Questions, which is hysterical. E raced his cars and built legos. It was a very pleasant, low key, fun afternoon of family togetherness and spoiledness.

Girls opening cards from the family!

H using her super cute baby cakes!

the money shot....Big helping little set up his race track :)


Anonymous said...

Does this mean I can post the video of you snoring?

Lana said...

nope, this is pay back for the sleeping during the devotional shot.

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...


Also- It appears that your hubby and my boys (hub included) were visited by the same jamma fairy-