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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

spend the night

Our days have been busy with summery things, also with moving things. There are always little glitches along the way and as we count down we just continue to hope that things will go smoothly. I'd like to say that this is our last move, but of course I don't think it will be, hopefully the one after this is. It's too stressful.
Last night H invited several of her friends over for a "last" sleep over. The girls ate pizza and giggled and talked. We swam until well after dark and then they watched "Bedtime Stories" and went to sleep. This morning we'll have pancakes and send them on their way.

The girls were delightful and it was really fun to listen to them talk and laugh together.


Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

I still remember all the "lasts" when we moved from Oregon, and our very dear friends we made there. We needed to move to Utah so that our 2nd son would be able to join our family, as we know now, but it was tough going. You have rich blessings in store, but pulling out your roots can be very painful. Thank goodness for technology so you can more easily keep in touch.

I know it must have been stressful- but just imagine if your house had sold too early- it seems to have sold Just In Time.

Yvonne said...

Hope everything is coming together for you. I know these times are always tough, but it always works out.

How fun for H to have friends over for a last sleepover.