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Monday, April 11, 2011

mormons and muslims

Sunday was the nicest day. The weather was mild and sunny. We went for a family bike ride, Lu is doing really well. We had some really good talks in Sacrament Meeting and Steven B. sang my favorite hymn and did a great job. In the evening we had some friends over for dinner. While subbing I met Suhani, who it turns out has a husband that works with Big. We worked together several times and got along well. A few weeks ago R mentioned to me that he wanted to invite Brian and Suhani over for dinner, I was agreeable and looked forward to it especially since I knew her and thought it might not be all airplanes all night :) All the times we had lunch together I never saw her eat meat so I asked Big to ask Brian if she was a vegetarian, she is not but doesn't eat pork (she's Muslim). I made chicken. No problem :) About an hour before they arrived they called to say they would be bringing a tieramasu. Except we don't drink coffee. Turns out when Mormons and Muslims dine together the menu gets kind of limited :) They brought a fruit bowl instead. We had a fun time, the kids really enjoyed them and we ate and played games and agreed to get together again soon. It's sort of an unlikely friendship, a 20 something Bangladeshi engineer turned substitute teacher and a 40 + mom of 6 but we get a long well. This morning I woke up in a good mood, the weather was supposed to be 80 degrees and I was looking forward to it! It was warm today!! Yeah, spring~ welcome!! J had a date tonight with Brian. He was very nice, for the minute I met him. They are going to dinner and bowling. Lu's class eggs hatched and she got to hold a chickie. E scored the first goal at the practice scrimmage. H and G are feeling poorly, I hope they are well tomorrow. Really hope. recently blogger has not let me format the text the way I want. It's really annoying

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