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Too Many To Count Two

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tabblo: Brother

Brother's first Halloween he was a cute little pumpkin!  The next year he was a frog :) so cute! Then my favorite year was the cowboy, Nana made it and he was so darling.  The next three years he was a Jedi.  For school in Kindergarten he had to dress like a nursery rhyme so he was the muffin man, and that year we made him a F-35 for Transportation Day and I wanted him to be a pilot but no it was Jedi all the way!


... See my Tabblo>

I could write about how we were up all night with a throwing up boy, or about how now, after many vomit loads I am running a load of bleach and water. Or how J has soo much on her plate and is up til all hours of the night doing homework and how S and I made multiple runs to the Wal*mart for supplies for her project. Or how whining and crying some kids are. Or...

Or instead I can be grateful that I have a husband that is really good with sick kids and throw-up. And that I have a washer to throw it into and get things clean and smelling good again. And that we have Popsicles and Gatorade and Tylenol, I know that many moms don't and they just have to watch their kids suffer without any relief. I know I am so blessed. I am grateful that my cool hands can soothe his troubled brow, that Beloved and I can work together in the wee hours of the morning and then collapse and 'fight over the covers' since we are blessed enough to have covers. I am grateful for the trust my little ones have in me and the joy it is to help them and the greater joy to see them well and happy soon, which I know is coming. What a blessing.


c. griffith said...

That is all so true, we are so blessed and we can't deal with things through circumstance, but with the fact that we know victory is promised to us. We talked about that at church last night and your blog totally reminded of it.
Charmela :)

The Pollard Fam said...

What a great post! Hope he feels better soon.

Kathy said...

Good job looking at the brighter side of things. I know it is really hard sometimes.

Caroline said...

I have to agree; I am so grateful for a husband who grew up in a large family and barf isn't a big deal for him! Davy just had his first bout of the flu and there were a few moments where I would dump Davy in Jonathan's lap and split so I wouldn't sick-up, too! I know, I'm a pathetic mother... :O)

Pirate Princess said...

Counting your blessing can sure help ease the pain. :)

The pics of Brother are just too cute. Sounds like he's got the Force....

I wanted to share a great blog with you -
I'm sharing it with all the moms I can think of, because she has some great ideas to take the mundane out of the kitchen! :) Go check it out - when your kids are all better, that is. HUGS

Jay said...

Counting blessings is much more fun than singing the blues. Thanks for reminding me!

nikko said...

What would we do without washer machines?

So sorry that E is sick. Blech.

I have a good life said...

What a pain, but what great perspective! I just realized something cool....I have been so sad about you leaving, but you we will always be so close. What a blessing!

Yvonne said...

I'm so sorry you are dealing with a sick little one--but you have such a great way to look at it all. (That really is what we should do about everything--thanks for the reminder)

Hope he feels better soon.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Those were such cute photos of your little man! Thanks for sharing!