I have run out of room. My blog is finished.
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Too Many To Count Two

Monday, October 27, 2008


Tonight we went to the Pumpkin Patch and Lu and I were heading to the baby bouncy house when I saw someone who looked familiar. After I looked closely I realized that it was Tori and Sei from "My life...just pretend you're interested". How crazy is that!
I walked up to them and said "are you Tori?, I'm _____ Utmommy's sister" Then she knew me too and we chatted and met each other's husbands and admired each other's kids. It was so fun, she is super sweet and way skinny:)
How random, it's such a small world and blogging makes it even more so.


nikko said...

How cool! I wondered where she lived and if any of us would ever run into her!

Tori :) said...

Wow- you're on the ball to have this up and posted already!

"Way skinny" You are my new best friend. ;)

It was so fun to meet you! I wish we'd had more time.

Yvonne said...

That must have been so fun.

I have met tori and have to agree--she is way skinny ; )