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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

more bats

When it's my turn to watch the kiddos I always try and do a little lesson, to pass the time, and because it's fun. I pick a theme and we read a story or two and do a project or something. Sometimes it's more fun than others. Yesterday in the mail we got a zoo book on bats. Perfect theme!

So this morning we cut bat shapes out of play-dough, and other shapes as well.

We read our new zoo book. We learned a song about 5 little bats. We made a cool bat picture out of our cut outs of our hands. And we decided that if we were bats we would most definitely be fruit bats and not cow blood suckers.

In other unrelated news: brother thinks the letter "c" is dumb and we should get rid of it and just use a "k". How are we supposed to tell which one to spell with he wanted to know. His three best friends at school all have names that start with a "C" Caden, Carter and Caleb, he thinks all three sound like a "k" at the start. I don't disagree but that's the way it is so he'll have to live with all the unnecessary "c"s around.

Also, just so I don't forget, the best part of having friends over is sharing food. At lunch they always trade and swap and look with great interest at what the others have. They are good little sharers too which is so sweet. Austin shared cookies with the girls, Emmie and Lu traded an apple slice/piece of ham for two chicken nuggets. Lu passed out candy corn for all and Emmie shared her cheez-its. There is lots of giggly fun at lunch and lots of eating, these guys are ALWAYS hungry!

1 comment:

I have a good life said...

E will have to remember that my C's name doesn't sound like K! :)