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Too Many To Count Two

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Decorating for the reception

Friday night we all met at the church to decorate. That was the first time many family members met each other. (we had met Bob and LuAnn the night before).

Bob ordered pizzas and we had our 50member family work crew deployed to transform the gym into a wedding wonderland. It turned out so beautiful. We had icicle lights strung across the ceiling, a beautiful tree to put the presents under, round tables with black table cloths and lovely centerpieces, a gorgeous buffet, a slideshow on a loop and many other nice details. D said it turned out nicer than she had hoped. Everyone worked hard and we had so much fun.

I can't wait until we get pictures back from the photographer. We were all so busy there was hardly time to take any pictures.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad it all worked out so well.

Suzanne said...

What a cute idea to put the gifts under a Christmas tree! I'll bet it looked so beautiful when all of the lights were on. How fun! :)