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Too Many To Count Two

Monday, September 08, 2008


Brother and I are reading "the Tale of Despereaux" by Kate DiCammillo. This morning we were ready a few minutes early so took it out on the porch to read while waiting for the children's bus. We were almost done and the bus came! Oh NO! Now I have to wait he has to wait until the end of the day to find out if the King believes Despereaux and finds the poor Princess Pea hidden away in the dungeon by the evil rat Roscuro! and to find out what happens to poor, misguided, tragic Mig. It's going to be a long day :)
This was a wonderful book, thanks for recommending it Colleen :)


Cheri said...

That was my sons favorite book- he loved it too!

Colleen said...

I AM SO GLAD YOU LOVE IT! It is my favorite children's book. Isn't it cute?? I love the way the author stops each character's tale to tell the next and at the end how you find that they all wrap together! It is such a satisfying ending! I also just love the cute characters! She does a great job!