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Too Many To Count Two

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

warm weather...not yet

Our days are chilly now. The kids bundle up in warm coats and gloves to stand outside and wait for the bus. Yesterday there were icicles hanging off the car and the street signs and everywhere. We don't live where the climate is particularly harsh, and thank goodness we don't have months of snow to deal with but it's cold enough to make us long for summer (our favorite season). Especially when the magic of the Christmas season is over and we are left with cold, windy days waiting.

Well, our desk top bit the dust and finally this weekend Beloved had time to go up in the attic (or send J up~ I'm not sure how that came to pass) and hook up Grandma B's computer so we are back up. There is some retrieval to be done but that'll happen so it's fine.

One of the fun things about using her computer is she still had some stuff on it including some folders of old pictures. We spent some time yesterday looking at them and everyone gathered round and enjoyed the 1950 era photos as well as some more recent.

I found these cheery, warm shots....making me wish for summer! My question is how did they take this picture of Grandma B on the beach? Was the camera tied to a kite? Were airplanes invented and was Grandpa in one? and if so why?
Bathing Beauty and her two boys! How fun!! I love summer!


Yvonne said...

Oh, that makes me just long for summer. It is so incredibly cold here--thank goodness my hubby has command start on his car. (At least it wasn't unbearable when I came out of Seminary ; )

Anonymous said...

I believe the pictures were taken in Myrtle Beach. Dad always took all the pictures as he was quite a photobug. He took the first one of Mom on the beach from a Pier. Remember a lot of great times on summer vacation.

Lana said...

ahh! a pier. That makes sense.