A couple hours later I woke up to go to the bathroom. (surprise). While I was in there I felt this huge gush of water. Did I just pee the biggest amount of pee humanly posible I wondered or did my water break? I wasn't sure. In retrospect it seems silly. I never wanted to go the hospital and be sent home & I didn't want to wake any of our friends to watch the girls for nothing. So I walked around the house a while, looking out windows, enjoying the quiet, wondering if this was the last time I would feel little kicks in side of me.
Finally I had a few contractions. I woke DH up and said I "might" be in labor. We waited a few more minutes and then he started calling our list of midnight help, and getting stuff together. I got dressed. Fretted about if this was it and we got out to the car. We had to drive three blocks, small, normal, residential blocks to Sheila's house. DH took the girls in, she came out to the car to wish us well and off we went.
We drove to the freeway. The contractions were coming quite close and I was very quietly breathing through them thinking "we're not going to make it". Then we turned onto main street and kept on driving. Eventually I thought, still quietly so as to not panic the driver and keep us safely on the road :), well whatever happens is fine and I bore down just a little to relieve the pressure. As you can probably guess it didn't take long before he was coming.
I then said (outloud), his head is out. DH said something like "what?!! what should I do?" I told him to pull over and help me. There was construction on the road so it took a minute to pull over and then he hopped out, and slammed his finger in the door, and ran around to my side just in time to help me lift him out of my 'underwear'.
Now what should we do he asked? I said I guess we should drive on to the hospital so I wrapped him in my dress, lifting it up from the bottom and we drove. We turned on the heater, not wanting him to get cold and I just sat there and looked at him. After a couple blocks I thought I should see if it's really a boy, yep it was. Then I asked DH what his name was. We couldn't agree the whole pregnancy and after a lot of discussion, a lot of discussion I finally said he could pick. He said "Noah". Okay.
He didn't cry and kind of gurgled while we were driving. I tried to rub him and talk to him but really we were not worried. It was calm and peaceful and DH and I both felt like we were in the presense of angelic helpers and things were fine. When we pulled into the parking lot we stopped in front of the gaurd and DH yelled out the window that we had had a baby. The gaurd ran over and looked in the window, then ran in, and then many people ran out. A nurse reached in the open window and cut the cord and took the baby and left. I turned to DH and said go with the baby so he hopped out. Then there I sat, umblical cord hanging out, placenta in, car running, blood and other lovely fluids everywhere. A gurney came out and the nurses were trying to figure out what to do with me. Finally I said well I'll just step out and get on. I got a look like you can do that? Yep, out I hopped and in we went. When we got in the ER someone asked me where the baby was. What? Don't you have him? That was my only moment of worry.
They took me upstairs and the doctor came in and delivered the placenta while I answered a million admission questions. Why do you pre-admit again? The cord and placenta seperated from each other so I had the fun of the OB fishing that out, probably the worst part of the whole thing, then DH and our new son came to my room. Finally. He looked great. Well, as you can see he actaully looked like he hit a brick wall with his face but I guess that's what happens when you come speeding out like that.
The nurse asked us what his name was and I looked at DH who then said E________. Yeah! That was the name I wanted so I said quick write it down. After awhile we went to our room and he was great.
We had lots of visitors, lots of people wanted to know his story. It was very exciting. That next night 8-10 sisters from our ward snuck up to visit and we had a birthday party! Then he came home on Wednesday. It was really my favorite birth, quick, and peaceful. DH had to clean the suburban, which he claims was the worst part:) and E got some great nicknames: Auto being one. Chevy sent him a model suburban for his room and a GC. And he's the only boy I know who doesn't have a birth minute. We forgot to look so we made up one! I guess that will save him a middle of the night phone call when he's in his 40's!
the pictures are in reverse order of how I wanted but Blogger rarely cooperates with me! You can see he got better soon. And the first shot is me and H nursing our babies together, that I just love!
One of my younger brothers was born in a VW Van on the way to the hospital. My parents named his middle name after the street he was born on - Matheson.
The people from VW sent him an education bond, I believe.
I think that was my mom's easiest birth too. And all my dad had to do was hose out the van, it was all vinyl. :)
oh my gosh! I can't believe you birthed him in the car. Wow. What a story! Thanks for sharing.
nursing your babies together! PRECIOUS.
Thanks for sharing!
Great birth story! My brother was born in the car too while parked in the hospital parking lot:) 1969 Chevy.
wow! Now thats a birth story! I always worried that would happen to me, but it didn't! Thanks for sharing your story and stopping by :)
Holy SMOKES!!! That's not at all where I expected your story to be going! "Yeah, she feels him coming ... but surely he doesn't. Definitely not in the car. I'll be they get to the hospital in the nick of time..."
Good for you being calm and relaxed. I wonder how I would have handled the same situation. I probably would have been a stress case! But then again - how did people handle births 100, 200, 500 years ago??
Good job mom and Happy Birthday E______!!! :)
What a great story! Congratulations!
Wow now THAT is a birth story and here I thought my labours were short - the last one being 3.5 hours.
What a trooper you are - seriously I am in awe :o)
Thanks for sharing.
Way to go Mom! I'm putting that in my "faves"!
LOL at Sariah's story... "hose out the van" - how funny.
My cousin Karen was also born on the side of the road, and she said it was always a good story for her parents to share with the home teachers. :)
I wish my kids could have flown right out like that! But then I would have had more than I should have, probably... and I'd be babbling to myself in a rubber room somewhere.
Wow! I can't believe you managed to be so calm about that! He will want to hear that story repeated for years before he hits that, "I can't beleive she is telling this again" stage, I'm sure.
And what adorable pics!
Wow! Giving birth in a car. That is the kind of stuff movies are made of.
My closest was the last one who came 2 hours after I got to the hospital. Still it is no way near as exciting as your adventure.
That's one for the family history books!
Now THAT is an awesome birth story!
Great birth story! One your son will really appreciate when he's a dad!
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