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Too Many To Count Two

Monday, August 13, 2007

i love mom

Lucy is getting to be such a big girl. Her speech is really coming along, which is so nice. We can finally have conversations that go back and forth and where she contributes ideas. Now we know what she's thinking and don't have to interpret cries and grunts! Now she can tell us she wants milk out of the purple carton and not the blue. That she wants to watch the mouse and that she wants to swim. Very fun.
This morning, like he often does, DH was leaving and he said "Lucy, I love you! Do you love me?" She answered, like she always does "I love mom!" Awhh! How cute is that :) Daddy tells her she can love more than just mommy, she can love daddy and mommy. That she has lots of love in her. And I echo yes Lucy you can love mommy and daddy....but secretly I think it's sooo sweet!


Anne/kq said...

Oh, man, Emma FINALLY grew out of the only-loving-one-person-- but in our family it was, "No, I love Abba, Bridget loves you."

Cheri said...

That is so sweet- my littlest one used to do that too- I secretly loved it also!

Suzanne said...

Oh that is so funny! Is your hubby sad when she says that or does he know she doesn't mean it? It's flattering and sometimes frustrating (they want only you) to be the favorite parent, but I'd say flattering more often! :)

maggie moran said...

Ah, enjoy it. She has plenty of time to be daddy's little girl. It's nice to have her all to yourself for now. Psst, just remember these days when she gets to be a teenager. :)

Phae-Jae said...

My two year old is the same way. I kind of like it too;)

Anonymous said...

I'm not threatened by it. She's only 2. This my 3rd kid the old fashioned way. I know they come and go as they grow so quickly. One month, she will want to be with me a lot, then L, then back. My son pretty much wants me now, or the Xbox, which now spends most of the time under my bed because I can't handle THAT competition!