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Too Many To Count Two

Thursday, August 09, 2007

scrappy little apron wearers!

Last night after we tucked the kids in bed DH and I each headed for a project. I guess we were in the mood. Well he was anyway, I am under a deadline :) He headed out to the porch to repaint our old rocker. I saw it this morning and it looks great. (picture to be added later)
I headed to the sewing machine to start on the 10 aprons I need to make for H's party. I am half way done now.
This morning when the girls got up they had to try them on.
I ran to wake up J so I could borrow her camera (my battery charger is still MIA) and took a quick picture. Then I decided to take some pictures of our new stuff then......


Rachel said...

The aprons look great!!! H and G look like little models with the pouty face.

Suzanne said...

I think you are one of the coolest moms I know. (Well as much as you can know someone online! LOL!) How fun to have have all those little aprons for the party! :)

nikko said...

Great aprons! I can't wait to hear about the partay! ;o)

Pirate Princess said...

Such cute aprons! And I love the idea of throwing stuff to the curb and lietting it find a home... perhaps I need to do this too, instead of hauling it to DI. :)

Joyismygoal said...

Cute scrappy little girls