Last night after the kitchen was clean and the kids tucked into bed Beloved and I headed out for another school supply run. Our 6
th or maybe 7
th. I didn't count. We have extensive lists. I think we finally got it all. Ear buds for the computer, boxes of crayons, graph paper, folders and backpacks and highlighters and index cards and sticky notes and all kinds of wonderful supplies. I actually like office supplies and enjoy a trip to Stapes, however it really adds up and literally $200+ later I am ready to cross everything off the list. Our "free" public education is expensive :)
School is going well. J has lots of homework but likes many of her classes and is making friends. H LOVES her teacher and Brother is already hoping to have him in 5
th grade. She walks to the school bus with a couple little friends, leaving Brother, Lu and I behind, but we don't mind and said her teacher calls her table "the chatty
cathys" which means she is making friends..and needs to be quieter in class :) Brother is happy because they can take home two books from the library at a time.
The only negative so far is the bus. Our bus situation is not ideal. We walk a mile to the bus stop and then wait with our neighbors. The bus is too crowded, 4 kids to a seat, and they have to walk across a super busy road on the way home. It's been the cause of much concern and neighborhood action in the form of phone calls, a petition, and a visit with a police officer. Hopefully it will be worked out. I am thinking about driving the kids, it would actually be quicker for me. This morning it took us an hour to walk there, visit, walk back. Yesterday it took 45 minutes (we didn't visit). Driving would take much less time, although I'd have to sit in the line of moms dropping off and picking up and that takes a long time.The benefits of the bus are they get to hang out with neighborhood kids, and I get to know the other waiting parents, it saves gas, and a walk could be considered exercise, so I hope it works out.