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Too Many To Count Two

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


we have Internet and TV and a home phone. For the first time in many months I am sitting in my own home with all the electronics working. It's nice. We are getting things settled. Sierra registers for college on Thursday. We were able to get in state tuition for her, which I am so grateful for. (a little crying goes a long way :) )

Yesterday I talked with one of my friends in Fort Worth. We are meeting people here and everyone is so friendly but I miss my friends terribly. Reading their blogs makes me sad...cuz I miss them.

We are fine, and cheerful and I know it will be great and we'll adjust. It's still a hard thing. I guess that's what life is all about~ hard things come up all the time.

I am grateful for the gospel, that really helps with everything in life...not just the spiritual stuff.


Yvonne said...

Glad everything is working out so well. Congrats on S getting in-state tuition.

I'm glad you are doing well.

Britni said...

Moving is always hard.

Caroline said...

I have a friend who recently made the point that the two of us actually believe in the same things, and that she is happy with what she has, and it fulfills her, so why does she need my church? It was so hard to describe to her the happiness and extra "oomph" the gospel really gives. Guess I'm not the greatest member missionary, but I do love the gospel and the blessings it brings, spiritual and temporal. :)

I have a good life said...

Thanks so much for calling. It was truly inspired. Sorry if it makes you miss us more. Only 300 some-odd days until we arrive to visit! :)