This morning the kids and I went to the library. They happened to be having a percussion concert that was really fun. I saw an instrument that I have never heard of before that's called a Hang, it's swedish I believe. G thought it was a little loud. H loved it and didn't want to leave.
Tonight we're having "cube fest" at our house. DH invited his cube-mates to come over to BBQ and swim. Hopefully it'll be fun.
While driving this morning I was thinking about the different peeks into people's homes that I have been enjoying the last few days, courtesy of BooMama. It's been very fun to see. Then I thought back to my childhood and homes of my friends and my parents and I realized that everyone then had a kitchen window that was facing out into the front yard. The kitchen was in the front of the house. Now most kitchens I know are in the back. How odd. Is it a regional thing? Or is it a reflection of how different families lives are now. Maybe then moms stayed home and cooked and the kitchen really was the heart of the home? I spend a lot of time in my kitchen and my windows look at the pool, which I love so I can see what's going on outside whenever I am busy inside. Where does your kitchen look, and do you spend much time there? S spent a few days at a friends last month and she came home and told me that the family (and they have a four kids so it's not a small family) eat out every day but Sunday. For our kids eating out is a rare treat, usually only enjoyed when Nana and Abba and Uncle Brian are visiting. Although sometimes when I don't have everyone we'll go to fast food. We had a couple neighbors growing up who, I swear, must have lived at their kitchen windows because they always knew what my brothers and I were up to. Now most of my neighbors don't even know how many kids we have.
Oh, that's such a pretty picture. I bet it's nice to have a night without the kids sometimes.
We're currently in an apartment and the kitchen is visible from the front door, which I'd rather not have. But then I'd rather be in a house. ;) I wonder if homebuilders started putting the kitchen in back because of the women like me who didn't want people to see a kitchen mess the minute they walked in. Right this minute it's pretty clean, but some days...
Glad you had a fun night out with hubby. I live for those fun dates.
My kitchen looks onto our tiny side yard. Mostly I just see fence and the top part of a tree. Not too thrilling. We do have our back door in our kitchen so I can watch my toddler playing outside in our patio area. We have a townhome so there is not much yard for him to wander around in.
That would be so nice to have the kitchen at the front of the house--Cept for having to keep it CLEAN all of the time. Nowadays we are all so consumed in our own lives that we don't really venture out into the front yard that much. I love the idea of a front porch community.
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