Last night H had a friend spend the night and today Emmaline's mom took the two girls to NRH2O and so the house is a little quieter and I decided to take G's nap time and figure it out once and for all. How hard could it be right?
It took me an hour, but finally there you have it. It's not perfect. I'd like the font to match the other sidebar titles and can't seem to figure that out and I need to add a few more of my favorites on it but I am happy to get that done.
Now for the next challenge: find the bottom of the laundry basket! Not as fun but probably more important :)
You're sooooo smart. Maybe someday I'll get mine done.
Good for you for learning new stuff! It's pretty fun to play around with!
You might try copying the heading "recent posts" and then paste it as the heading over your links. Then type in whatever heading you want instead of "recent posts". That works sometimes if you want the same font.
You also might try another template. You'll lose all your links, but what I did was copy and paste all the links I wanted to keep and put it in a Word document and saved it. Then I found a template that had all the stuff I liked (a place for links, for example) and then copied the links from the Word document back into the new template. It was like moving into a new house. :)
P.S. Thanks for the link ;)
I just read the birth story of your son. Holy. freakin. cow.
Hey, I live in Texas, and have six kids too, and I also, have a less than ideal situational birth story for child number 4.
Rub a dub dub. Giving birth ALONE in the tub!
Good for you! I don't think I would have been able to figure that out on my own - I had to have my husband help me when I started.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog.
So, where in Texas are you? We live pretty close to the Houston Temple. Another odd thing is the link you have to Russell and Aine's blog. We homeschool, and I know who they are from homeschooling co-horts.
More evidence that blogging is taking over scrapbooking as the Mormon pastime of choice!
Good for you! I'm always happy with myself when I figure out how to do something with HTML. Now if I could only get the courage to change my template...
Thanks for visiting my blog :-)
Don't feel too bad it took me awhile to figure out the whole sidebar thing too.
Well done!
It looks great
Oh, and I have seven filled laundry baskets standing next to me (clean laundry) and am sooooooooooo totally ignoring them.
Yeah! Don't you feel great when you figure some new blogging thing out?
Now laundry, I'm with ya there!
Yeah, You did it!
Congratulations! Bet you never before dreamed you would wish to understand HTML better, huh? See what blogging does to us.
Oh, and thanks for including me!
I wish I could take some time to figure more stuff out on my website. Maybe one day. You'll have to pass on your knowledge to us "beginners". Looks great!
Way to go! It is such a great feeling to conquer something on the computer. And thanks for the mention, that was very kind.
That's great! And finding the laundry is ALWAYS a challenge.. lol.
BTW - to further complicate things, I deleted Texasblu's blog - which you have on your sidebar. I had a VERY undesirable person reading it, and to protect my children I just deleted it. If you want the new blog address, go to my profile page and send me an email - I'll send you the new address. Very mysterious, I know, but necessary. SIGH. :) The blog is not listed.
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