This is my knight in faded swimsuit on his trusty stead. Doing one of the millions of things he unselfishly does for our family each day. Our yard looks very nice, and it's due entirely to his efforts. Granted he enjoys it, we call it his hobby. That doesn't make it less valuable or appreciated.
I've been thinking lately on what makes a happy marriage. Not that I am an expert but I have some thoughts. My dearest daughter #1 is probably close to getting engaged. All the signs are there and I hope and pray for her happiness. Besides praying for it, and hoping for it what can one do to ensure it? What can I tell her that will help her chose well?
I think first and foremost is finding someone who has the same goal as you do. For me wanting to serve the Lord is first. For DH it is too. As long as we keep our eye single toward that purpose things go more smoothly.
I think also finding someone with similar characteristics helps. Same intelligence, work ethic, sense of humor, hobbies, all those things help. Looking for your "twin" is silly, men and women are SO different but some things in common are good. DH and I both like science fiction, we both enjoy reading, we love our pool, family is important to us, we like to go out to eat, browse bookstores, take walks, paint our house (LOL~ really one of us loves new paint and the other does it out of love for her). Someone who loves the outdoors would probably be happiest with someone else with similar likings. However differences can be interesting, especially when both partners have an open mind and respect the other.
I know some couples who seem very in sinc with one another. They have similar temperaments, politics and parenting styles. I think that would make for a harmonious relationship. DH and I have some differences when it comes to a lot of things BUT key to our happiness is commitment. I have been divorced, and I won't do that again. We both want to stay married and look for the good in the other.
I have found, and I don't know if this is universal or unique to me, that when I look for the good in Rob, when I pray to have my heart and mind opened so I can see what he does for me and our family, when I try and see him as our Father in Heaven sees him, when I look at him without thinking of me first, I feel the greatest love for him. I feel lucky and blessed. I am not saying that I don't feel like that anyway, I'm just saying it's more, it's greater, it's easier.
Also, like Johnny Lingo, when I treat him like my Knight in Shining armor he acts more like that.
Lastly I think when I think of his needs first and try and meet those I am happier. It sounds backwards but it really is the only thing that works. Ideally both partners would be doing that and then I guess you couldn't help but be happy.
Of course, all those things are things that I need to do. Which doesn't leave me with much to advise D to look for except for one thing: Look for someone who tries to live his life like Jesus Christ lived His. And pray.
So, Note to Self: Things I love about Rob
- he's really smart
- he works really hard at a job that is important not just for our family but for our nation's security
- he loves Mulan
- he plays with the kids
- he loves the kids and loves to watch them grow and to help them grow
- he does his home teaching every month
- he fufills all his church obligations willingly
- he takes me to the temple
- he gives me and the kids blessings when we want one, or need one
- he is well read
- he mows the lawn
- he pays the bills
- he is Guapo the pool boy
- he cleans up the throw-up we have around more frequently than either of us likes
- he plants a garden every year, even though we hardly harvest enough to make it worth while
- he wants me to stay home with the kids and supports me in that
- he is tall, dark and handsome
- he is mindful of the world and what's going on and briefs me
- he wants to make the world a better place
- he honors his parents
- he honors mine
- he helps my family
- he is good at math
- he worries about the kids and doesn't think I am paranoid when I do
- he's great on the grill
- he helps fold clothes at family folding party
- he lets me chose the restaurant when we go out to eat (most of the time)
- he gets up at night to check out the weird noises
- he hears the kids when they cry and pokes me awake to go get them, even when I am trying to fake sleep
- he coaches soccer
- he goes to violin recitals, soccer games, YW nights, dance recitals, and other kid places
- he likes the zoo
- he is Worf
- he is very social and likes to have company
- he always stays to help clean up after a ward social
- he is a great swimmer
- he has a pleasant singing voice
- he is a good trumpeter
- he is good at reading outloud
- he isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes
- he is good in an emergency
- he is thrifty
- he plays hungry hippo and Disney scene it, even when it's not his favorite
- he's good at games
- he's sat by my side and held my hand when our babies were born
- he keeps our kids safe
- he doesn't complain (too much) when I go out for girls night
- he takes E on the father/sons camp out even though he hates to camp
- he plans for retirement, college tuition and weddings and E's mission and ours so I don't have to.
- he finds money for the things I want even when they are outside our budget
- he listens to conference and looks forward to it
- he can open cans I can't
- he can reach things I can't
- he can back up the car better than anyone
- he smells good
- he's not lazy
- he is honest
- he changed his life for me
- he shares his life with me
- he is good at sharing his feelings
- he calls our family to kneel in prayer each morning and night
- he makes sure we read the scriptures
theres more but the kids need put to bed and Jack (of 24) is waiting, along with my sexy hubby!
Congrats to you for finding such a great guy. I hope you two stay happy for the rest of your lives.
I just saw that you visited my blog recently so I came over to check out yours. Wow, you have a lot on your hands but you seem to have it under control. What a wonderful husband you have. Your love seems to be so real. I can't wait until I have more time to go back and read more of your older entries.
How cute that you matched with the married couple on Star Trek!! You are such a nice wife, and so appreciative of everything you have.
That's really awesome Tx! Lots of marriagey stuff floating around the blogs right now, isn't there? Somethin's in the air.
Best of luck to your daughter. Sometime, since I haven't read it yet, it would be fun to hear the story of how you and hubby met.
Thanks for sharing the good about being married! Too often women complain and do not praise the men in their lives.
What a great list and tribute to your husband! Sounds like you guys have a great marriage that you both value and work on continually. A recipe for success!
Sounds like you have a keeper!! I am a sci fi nut also.
What a great post! It really does sound like you chose well, and have this marriage thing all figured out. What a great example for all of us. Although, I'm curious, your husband is Worf? Does that make you Diana?
Always love a post that brags on a husband.
Thanks for touring my home! It was nice "having you." ;)
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