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Too Many To Count Two

Sunday, May 21, 2006

absurdly easy chocolate cake

Today H and I wanted to make chocolate cake. We didn't have any cake mix so we went on-line and found a recipe. She made it mostly by herself and it turned out so good!

3 cups flour
2 cups sugar
6 T cocoa
2 t baking soda
1 t salt
3/4 cup vegtable oil
2 T vinegar
2 t vanilla
2 cups cold water

Mix the dry ingredients. Add wet. Stir until smooth. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

Then we made frosting. We had so much fun together. E had Jake over playing so they were busy and G was napping and the big girls were off reading or doing homework or something.

Tonight we went to Mom's for dinner. It was very nice. After we invited Rick and Robin down to share some cake. Meanwhile Sheila had gone to their house too so we invited her and the boys. We ended up spending several more hours talking and visiting. It was good. They are so sad (they are Meridith's parents) but dealing with it. I think it was good to get out and be with people.

I have been thinking about time and what a precious gift that is to give someone. I was really happy we could spend that time this evening with them and I think it was good for them too. Sheila is moving to Ohio for her husband to finished his fellowship and then they are off to practice medicine in Utah. We have really only a few weeks left and everyone is trying to spend time together. That's what we'll miss the most. The kids want/need our time. Our friends need our time. Spouses, parents, callings, siblings, all these things need our time. How we spend our time is so important. There are times when I hestitate because I feel pressure to spend my time on things, good things but still things. I might not want to have someone over because our home isn't spotless but I think I need to a) yes have the house ready to be walked into but also b) realize that my time is more important and more needed than a floor that doesn't have toys on it. I might not want to read another story or go to the park because there is laundry to be done or errands to be run. Again see a and b above. Time is precious. The things I will miss about Sheila being gone is time. The thing we mourn about Meridith's death is the loss of time for her to grow and become and to spend with those she loved. The thing that's hardest about a daughter at college is the time I don't have. The mornings at family scripture reading, the standing in the laundry room laughing about something while we fold clothes, the late night time spent hearing about how the evening went. It's all about time.

Note to self: Spend your time on that which is most valuable.


Gabriela said...

Amen to that!

utmommy said...

I agree. Time is so precious.

Momma G said...

The cake recipe looks great. I've got to try it..who needs Betty Crocker?

Nettie said...

Cooking with your kids is great because of the double bonus: togetherness and yummy food! Thanks for visiting my blog. I just enjoyed reading yours. I'm sorry about Meredith's passing. (And I love your green china cabinet and the values garden project!)

Gabriela said...

Hi again Txmommy! I am giving you a "W". Have fun! -Gabs