Then we get to go pick up S. Today we also got to spend the next two hours driving to pick up DH at work and then taking him to pick up his truck. And then being caught in traffic.
6pm time for a quick swim while I fixed dinner.
banger and mash, & veggies.
At 7 the big girls went to YW, I gave baths and read stories got things settled for the night.
9pm finishing cleaning the kitchen, and other evening chores.
10pm clothes are folded and ready to put away. We are ready to get to bed.
I didn't document the 10 diapers I changed, the time on the computer, the time picking up and picking up again. The homework done, stories read or other small things but this is pretty much a portait of a day.
We were in bed by 11pm.
Oh I'm so jealous - you're already SWIMMING!!! We're still cold here - I wore my sweater all day yesterday. I SO miss Texas! :)
Is there ever enough hours?
love to haveyour daughters panties
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