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Too Many To Count Two

Saturday, May 20, 2006

friend or foe?

We went swimming this afternoon and everone was getting sunscreen on and getting ready, some of the kids already in the shallow end when S went to the diving rock to jump in and said "there's a snake in the water!" Well this was met with much excitement. I actually don't mind snakes. My brothers caught many growing up and we had several aquariums worth of pet reptiles. We didn't know what kind this was though and living in cotton mouth country we needed to find out. I ran inside to get the aquarium, recently vacated, and the camera. DH went for the lightsaber (the weapon of choice for almost any situation around here) and with cameras clicking he heroically swam in and retrieved the little beast.

Then we swam.

Then we came inside to check on the internet, hey we have our priorities straight swim time comes first! and it's not like he was going anywhere.

We think it's a blotched water snake. Non venemous but aggresive. Probably not the perfect pet. Darn, I kind of wanted a snake.

ps does agressive have two "g"s "r"s or "e"s? I am not a very good speller :(


Gabriela said...

ewwww, I HATE all snakes, but those found in water are the worst! I don't think I could have swam!

utmommy said...

It's aggressive, I know because we had to spell it out in one of our cheers.

Karla said...

Love the light saber. I was a lover of all things reptilian as a teenager, unfortunatly I think I have grown out of it. Enjoying your blog!