We've (read: I) been wanting to paint the bathroom purple. DH wanted a medicine cabinet. He doesn't like to keep his shaving equiptment, vitamins, and what nots under the sink in the cabinet there. On top of the sink doesn't work either because it looks to cluttery and we are always fighting clutter. So a wall cabinet seems like a good solution. We've talked about it now and then but today he told me he was stopping at Lowes on the way home and buying one. I offered to meet him to look at them with him. For the record he chose the one he wanted. While there I mentioned that since "we" have been wanting to paint it might be a good idea to go ahead and do that before hanging the cabinet. So we went and got paint.
We made two mistakes. First we love Behr paint. It is the best. Lowes doesn't carry it. We should have left and gone across the street to Home Depot but no we decided to try one of their paints. We got American Heritage brand and don't like it. It's clumpy and thick and doesn't roll on the wall nicely at all. The second mistake was we tried to pick the shade together. This has happend before. We both try and be nice and compromise and then no one is happy. What works well is for me to go and buy the paint, after we agree on a color like:purple. I bring home the shade I like. He says it's too dark and grumbles a bit while painting. I "help" and say things like "this is turning out great", and "look how good you are at the edges now." Then when it's done we both like it, except for in the case of our red room which I LOVE and he doesn't.
After a short time of painting in the bathroom we called it a pause and now are reflecting over night. Neither one of us likes the paint or how it's physically rolling on. As for the color he thinks it's too dark. I am not sure what I think. I wanted a dusky, muted blue-grayish purple that is rich and warm . What does this color say to you?
The perfect example of the brilliance of the sample color sprayer. This color to me says "Stop Painting. Go Buy A New Color." or Barney.
I don't think it fits the description of purple you want. Little bright for me.
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