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Monday, March 03, 2008

My Life Monday

Your topic for next week is to write a 6 word life memoir. This is inspired by Ernest Hemingway. It is said he was once challenged to write a story in 6 words. His story was "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."

This looked like a fun challenge. I am much better at "say nothing for the next three pages" than say it all in 6 words.

"tired mom, fights sands of time" that's me lately. But for my whole life...? See, you knew I couldn't do it.

"finding peace, serving God, seeking knowledge" or..just kidding. Those are my two.

button is a link if you want to see more or participate :)


I have a good life said...

That's fun. I love both of them. They are so accurate. Life is such a journey and it sure isn't easy!

Rachelle said...

That is a good one! very similar to what i finally came up with.

Blackeyedsue said...

Oh, I like those.

Anonymous said...

oh those are good. much better than mine, which I didn't even come up with until Tuesday LOL

marcia@joyismygoal said...

those would fit me too-- surprise surprise