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Too Many To Count Two

Saturday, March 15, 2008


B, the playful professional tagged me to do a meme. Since I am busy procrastinating...hey my workshop isn't for hours yet, I thought I'd go ahead and do it.

What I was doing 10 years ago:
I was engaged to DH. We were busy planning our wedding and getting to know each other. I was teaching 1st grade. I was getting ready to turn 30 and Ellen, Kim and I were planning on going to go see "RiverDance" in LA for the big event :) We "let" Dh and Al go too. It was very fun.

Five things on my To Do List today:
Come up with something brilliant so my dry boring talk will seem fun and sparkly
Watch H play volleyball
Go on a date
Drive J and Emma to Emma's house to take care of Scout, then back, then back again, then back here :)
Make sure everything is ready for an 8:30 start time for church manana.

Snacks I enjoy:
turtle chex, clementines, m&m's

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
pay for college for all the kids, take the whole family on an awesome vacation~ maybe even every year, buy shoes, save, give to a cause I believed in, .....have a big happy sigh that there would be no more money worries (or would there?)

Three of my bad habits: procrastinating, leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor, I don't always make my bed, even though I know if I was a more responsible person this would really bother me.

Five places I have lived:

San Fransisco CA, North Edwards CA, Lancaster CA, Palm Desert CA, Palmdale CA

Five jobs I've had:

Sales girl at Howard&Phils, the store that won the west. File Girl at Dr. Yegahni's office. babysitter. Scheduler for TYBRIN, and first grade teacher.

Five people I want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG!): Cheri, Michelle, Charmela, Mom who just started her blog, and MSV.


c. griffith said...

Thanks Lana! My first TAG! :) He He!

utmommy said...

Mom has a blog?

Britni said...

I've never tried turtle mix before, but it sounds delicious!!

Yvonne said...

Bet your talk was great.

I love clementines, too.

Rachel said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE turtle chex too! Its like the perfect combo of salty, sweet and CHOCOLATE!

The Texas Bakers said...

Hmmmm, do you mean me? Or someone else? And your mom has a blog?