E has his Easter egg hunt at school today. I am sure that will be very fun. They didn't ask us to bring anything to the party....strange, I just realized that. I hope I didn't miss a message.
H gets to go sailing tonight with the activity day girls. She is really excited.
I get to spend the day inside writing a "talk", I've been asked to present a workshop for the regional singles conference tomorrow. I have to do it twice and my topic is "You are Not Alone" single parenting. Groan. I am really not looking forward to it. I have been thinking about it for two weeks but am still not sure what to talk about, I guess I'd better get seriously thinking. I think I am a strange choice because a) my girls were pretty little when we were single, D was 7-11, S 4-7 and J 2-5 and those are kind of easier ages. b) I missed a lot of the drama of who gets the kids when blah blah blah because I had them all the time and c) I kind of liked being single and at the time thought it was WAY easier than being married. Now that I am married again I wouldn't want to be single and there are many things that are easier with two parents...some that are easier with one though :) and d)I'm kind of a boring speaker.
Also I am not really one to dwell on the past. I don't wear a cancer survivor pin, or put angel wing babies avatars on my sidebar or attend blending families support groups or wear an "I have no hand eye coordination" tee shirts or.... Not that those are bad things I just prefer to look forward or to play Cleopatra "queen of denial" and ignore unpleasantness. So I've had to really think about what it was like then and try and remember. Too bad I didn't blog then :) It's been a strangeish experience to think about all that so much. What made it even weirder is Mark, the big girls father, who they hear from literally maybe 2-3 times a year, called to say he was getting married again and wants them to come. Which a) I like Bea, his long time girlfriend/live in a lot and wish them well b) great the girls are excited and they should go to the wedding c) we actually thought they were already married but weren't sure ~so how crazy is that d) it made me think she's lived with him for years and he's been nice enough that she wants to marry him now~ so why wasn't he nice to me? I am not that difficult to live with. You can't help but having guilt and regrets. I was thrilled to divorce him, don't be mistaken, but what a great gift it is to marry and stay married. For children to have two parents who love them, and take care of them and to miss all the drama of steps and exs and splitting holidays and all that. It still makes me mad.
Also, back to the beginning topic of the long ramble. Whether you are single or married or whatever you still want the same things for your children. Being a parent is still hard and still wonderful and still much the same so....
on a more cheerful note, Papa is painting J's room, She'll be thrilled. The sun is up and shining. That idiot Chet is finally off survivor, thank goodness and it's only 5 hours until the start of spring break!!!
Whoo Hoo!!
and I just read two fun books "Ready to Wed" about a southern girl who has a dream that she thinks is a message from God to move to this town called Acorn Hill and there she will find the man she is supposed to marry. So she moves, and it's very fun and cute what happens. And "Future Homemakers of America" the story of 6 air force wives stationed in England where their husbands are pilots and how their lives unfold. It's not all cheery but I enjoyed seeing how their friendship carried them through life's challenges and trails and the different paths they took. And I just got an email from the library telling me a book I've been wanting to read has finally come in "Austinland" so yeah something to read next week!!
And Happy Birthday Emma!!!
I think that you will do great. I admire alot of things about you and one of them is your single days. Being a single parent you give hope to others. I think you are a great speaker and enjoy listening to you. You will so great.
Is is a young singles thing or the older singles thing?
You are a great speaker and have so much life-experience to draw from. Your attitude about what you have experienced is one of the reasons you are perfect to do that SA gig. Good luck!
And you will love Austinland. I just re-read it the other day and I have to say, it is good Spring Break reading because it is entirely fluff. Straight-up marshmallow creme. Enjoy it!
I have never heard you speak, but I can't imagine that you would be boring ; ) I also think after reading your blog for quite awhile, that you would offer so much hope to those who are single--a positive attitude is so key to everything. I don't like to dwell on the negative either which is why everyone reading my blog doesn't get all the gory details of my life--I choose to accentuate the positive. I love your comment about being Cleopatra--that is perfect.
I often think of how much easier life would have been if Allan and his first wife had been able to work things out, but then where would Stephen and I be???!!!??? and I wouldn't have Heidi, Brent, and Kyle--so I can't go there.
Enjoy your weather.
You are SO not a boring speaker. I'm sure you'll do great, you always do!
Can you send some warm weather over here?
For the record, I don't think you're boring, either.
I feel the same way, I don't put negative, sad, or depressing details of my life on my blog because I prefer not to dwell on them, either.
Those books sound good. Maybe when BabyM is a little older I'll have more time to read!
I have to add that you are definitely not a boring speaker. Not in the little tiniest bit! Good luck on it, though. The best part is that it will be over soon.
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