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Too Many To Count Two

Thursday, September 24, 2009


After going to volunteer training I had to go to Wal mart for two things. A can of pumpkin and guinea pig food. I went and they were out of one. Guess which one.... the pumpkin. They were also out last week. How can that be? I would understand if it was the day before thanksgiving and I was ill prepared but in September? What could be causing this dearth?

Also, why did they stop making the cute metal lunch boxes that actually kept lunches from getting squished? Now we have soft sided ones and have to buy sandwich keepers to keep our sandwiches nice and little containers for grapes and whatever else gets mooshed...and what about the nice thermos that used to be in the lunch box?


Yvonne said...

You could probably by them on eBay for a small fortune ; )

Azul said...

There is a pumpkin shortage, of sorts.

Weather troubles last year caused the loss of about 1/3 of the normal pumpkin crop.

According to the Libby company, stocks should return to normal soon.