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Too Many To Count Two

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

When Mimi is also Mommy

Today Lu and I are finally going to Utah to meet Tatum and help as we can. I am excited, except for the flying part which is never exciting to me.

Before I could leave today there was a lot to do. I had to pack up Lu's toys and books and snacks and clothes, and pack myself, and pack the gifts we have for Tate. I had to make sure all the drawers were filled with clean socks and underwear and the towels were clean and beds made and fridge stocked. I left a menu of foods to cook and instructions for each day and a crock pot filled with yummy dinner for tonight. House clean, laundry done, papers for school signed and sent back. The end.

Now we're off. Yeah!


Holly said...

makes you scared to think what would happen if they didnt have you! I just hope Kimball's has some good scavaging skills. Have Fun!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

YEAH give her a snuggle for us and have a blast

Alison said...

Yea!! Newborns are the best! Have fun!! and don't worry about home...they will survive without you.

AeroRob said...

Hopefully we will survive without me too! I'm stuck at work due to a base gate closure due to an unfortunate police investigation. I may not be able to get home for some time.

Gabriela said...

Isn't it amazing how much work you have to do just so you can leave for a few days? I'm always amazed.

have a safe and wonderful trip. :)

Yvonne said...

I hope you have a great trip. Enjoy little Tatum. Can't wait to see more pictures.

(Did you get everything in your suitcases??? ; )

I have a good life said...

I thought about you and your trip all day today. I hope it went well and that you love your dual role! :)

Can't wait for the pictures!

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

Hurray for babies- and I love the idea of Mimi- I am so not ready to be Grandma- plus there are still a few other grandmas kicking around-

I hear you on the five million things to do just so you can leave for a few days-