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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Shotgun Sunday, (well really Saturday night but that didn't have the same ring to it)

We just got back from the adult session of our stake conference. Elder Dellenbach of the Quorum of Seventy was there. It was a wonderful evening. Pres. Hadley was conducting and he started out by saying there was a surprise, the speakers on the program where going to be asked then and there. He then called four people out of the congregation and assinged them topics and asked them to take the stand. After they spoke we had a musical number then three more surprise speakers. Then Elder Dellenbach spoke.
It was a wonderful meeting. The spirit was richly felt and the words were heart felt and inspired. I can't wait for tomorrow.
The last four speakers were all asked to talk about their experiences reading the Book of Mormon. It was so fun to hear. Last year when the prophet asked everyone to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year our family took that challenge. Even the little guys wanted to and we read aloud to them and made a huge effort. We fell a little short of their completion of it but it was a good experience. J and S both read it. It was so wonderful for me to walk into their rooms to say good night and to find them reading. R and I read and both felt an increase in testimony, peace in our home, and inspiration in behalf of our family. D wasn't reading at first. In fact she was struggling with many things and it was hard. We prayed and worried over her. She moved to Utah to go to school, and "start over" (my words not hers) and I missed her terribly. My first born, sweet daughter. And I worried. It was a tough couple months and then one day not long before Christmas I was talking with her on the phone and she told me she was reading the Book of Mormon. She wasn't sure if she was going to make it to the end in time for the prophet's challenge but she was trying. A little of my worry lifted that day. I couldn't save her. I can't even save myself. But Jesus Christ can and will and did. I knew when she told me she was reading His book that she was on the right path. It's the book that will change lives and bring people unto Christ.

ps now she's doing great. I'm so proud of her. She's going to school, working, has a calling, is dating a nice guy. Now I wish she'd call a little more often:)


utmommy said...

She is doing great, much better than when she first got here. Glad you liked conference. I would've been so scared if they had called my name.

Debbie said...

I thought you were going to say they called you up to talk. I would have died!

Amadeo said...

Oh man, the shear terror I felt for you while reading that. I too was waiting for you to say you got called up! But, you would have done great. I, having never given a big people talk, would have absolutely failed.