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Too Many To Count Two

Monday, April 10, 2006

Too Many TuTus

Today began try-out week for the drill team. S had to stay after school until 6pm. H also had dance after school until 6:15. This doesn't sound like it should be a logistical problem but S was 18 minutes late getting out. Which made us 15 minutes late getting H. Question? How can one mom be everywhere she needs to be to make sure that six kids all have what the need? I don't know the answer. We have scheduleing issues from time to time that don't have any satisfactory resolution.

Tonight was FHE. Our lesson was on the last week of the Savior's life. It went well. After the kids played their instruments for us. S and H even played a duet, which was so cute.

D found a new apartment. She is very excited. Her rent will be much cheaper for the summer! She registers for classes today. Hopefully she'll get in the ones she wants.

R is working late this week. The kids miss him when he is gone. H asked why he didn't pick her up from dance, E wants to play X-box and thank goodness J didn't have math homework tonight!


Amadeo said...

I like your title. Who said SAHMs have nothing to do?

Amadeo said...
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