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Too Many To Count Two

Friday, October 20, 2006

What are you doing at 6am each morning?

We are at early morning seminary. Every day S and I wake up and drive to the church. It's still dark out and the air is quiet and the stars are shining. Before I broke my ankle I walked in the gym. Now I sit in the car and work on my Sunday School lesson. S goes to class. Every Friday they have snack. Today was S's turn. She wanted to bring cereal and milk so we got those little boxes that turn into a bowl. The kids thought it was fun.

Sadly I ran out of batteries before I could take more than three pictures. I hate when that happens.

This is my 10th year of early morning seminary. I went for four years, D went for four (well 3 and 3/4) and S is on her 2nd year. When I was going we also had the Friday morning treat tradition. This is kind of funny; my brother likes, and liked then, to cook. I didn't cook at all until I was married. So on my Fridays he would get up early and make something like crepes or another fabulous treat. Then we would give me the credit because he didn't want anyone to know he liked to cook. On his Friday we would drive through Winchells and bring in donuts. He's a great brother!


nikko said...

What a great brother... how come he's not married yet? All those cooking skills!

I tagged you for a meme if you're up for it. :o)

Holger Danske said...

10 years wow. So how is your ankle now? not up to running in the gym i see, but hope it is getting better. I don't recognize any of those kids in the pictures , should I?

Joyismygoal said...

I know this is my 13th year but I do not do a lot of the driving.but I get up.:)