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Too Many To Count Two

Friday, February 16, 2007


Today we had book club. We had a good turn out and all the food was very yummy. Brother was very excited because he got to play with EC. He always loves to play with older boys.
We had read "Cane River", which I enjoyed. It lent itself well to a lot of discussion on race and slavery and being good mothers.
I accidentally said something that wasn't true. I said I never watched movies twice, which isn't true. I usually don't but there are some that I have and do. I like to read books more than once, sometimes many times. There are only a few movies that I like to watch over again. Of course the whole Disney repertoire gets a lot of viewing at our house. And I have watched or at least heard them many times, but that doesn't count.
Some movies I have watched several times, and probably will watch again someday are:
You've Got Mail
While You Were Sleeping
Pride and Prejudice
Bride and Prejudice
The Other Side of Heaven
HouseBoat and anything else with Cary Grant (except Arsenic and Old Lace)
The Santa Clause
Santa Clause 2
and there may be some others although I can't think of any right now.
edited on the morning of the 17th because it bothered me that I said something untrue, not because I was lying but because I didn't know the truth about myself, how weird is that, and so I thought about it all night and am now trying to be comprehensive although I know I'm not because I have a bad memory to boot.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Sleepless in Seattle
White Christmas
Cheaper by the Dozen

this list is getting kind of long, I guess I had to completely retract my statement. I do like to watch movies more than once (sometimes). Who knew? Still I don't consider myself a movie person, I'm just as likely to fall asleep as to actually watch one and I much prefer books. And as long as I'm examining my soul I am surprised to see that my list is almost all romantic comedies. I don't consider myself romantically inclined but obviously something touches me. When we go watch a movie at the theatre or even from Blockbuster it's much more likely to be action/adventure or sci fi or thriller but the ones I repeat are the sappy sweet romances. Crazy.

Tonight we went to the movies. We saw "Music and Lyrics". Mostly because it stars Hugh Grant, who is so handsome. It was cheesy but really sweet and funny. It had a scene which could have been skipped but it only eluded so that was good. It started out with the funniest "80's" style music video. As a child of the 80's it was fun-ny. Anyway it was predictable but I laughed and was glad so it was a good Valentines day date movie. And the music was catchy and romantic as well. Another romance. ARgh!!


wendy said...

I haven't read Cane River - will have to add it to my library list. I like your movie-re-watch-list, my oldest has been sick this week and I was wishing I had my own copy of Pride and Prejudice (or Bride and Prejudice, or both) for her to watch.

nikko said...

So glad you came clean with us. ;o) I don't watch movies more than once tha often, either. There are only a few that I can think of that I have watched over and over again.

Anne/kq said...

I watch movies over and over ALL THE TIME, if I like them. (Another advantage of Netflix; I can watch them over and over as long as I want, and then when I get tired can return them until I want to watch them five more times, lol.)

attack of The Mouse said...

Okay, so I've been reading your blog for a while now. I love it. You are an amazing mommy. I have to tell you I've been looking for a good read, and you lead me there. I checked out Caine River from the library - read it - I found it so interesting. I think of those women so much through out my day. I would have loved to hear a discussion on the book. I'm now half way though "Time Travelers Wife" so far so good. Thanks for sharing.