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Saturday, March 08, 2008

a little more snow

It didn't last long but the kids enjoyed it. I thought it was cold. Especially since Emma called J and had us go watch her on the webcam in Maui. She was jumping around on the beach in typical Emma fashion and J was lamenting the fact that she wasn't home schooled because then she is sure they would have invited her along, and then we looked out the window at our snow. Sigh.
J and Papa made a snow turtle, which is our stand by sculpture. We often try to make a sandcastle but unless you have nice moist sand and a lot o patience it doesn't turn out well so more often than not we end up with a snow turtle. Easier to make :)
The next day DH took Lu out to make a "baby snowman."


marcia@joyismygoal said...

a snow turtle is so fun see b's volcano soon

Cheri said...

Love the baby snowman- too cute!

So Average Adult said...

I wish you could be here to J

Yvonne said...

I was surprised when my grandson posted the picture of the Texas snow on our family website. Love the little snowman.