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Too Many To Count Two

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Flash forward to the year 2001 and the era of digital photography. I didn't even notice until just now that I haven't taken as many portraits of the younger three but we have millions more pictures.
Anyway, now H is 2. We had moved from the land of earthquakes to tornado alley and she certainly was our little tx tornado. She was into everything and very impish and cute. She liked to talk and sing and read and play with the kids. She loved her daddy and her sisters and always wanted to be in the middle of everything. We lived on Babbling Brook and enjoyed being kind of close to several friends in our ward. We'd often walk the few blocks over to visit with the Butterfields or the Blacks and H loved to look at the Blacks chickens. We lived around the corner from a playground that we liked to visit and H liked to go to story time at the library and to play group with her mom.
Brother turned two in 2004. We lived in our present home and he has always enjoyed all the space we have around us. Throwing balls was and is a favorite past time of his. He loved to play with big boys, whether they were friends like Jake and C or his cousins who he has spent parts of his summers with several times. E loved to ride on the lawn mower when DH mowed the lawn, although he hated loud noises and so would always were headphones to block some of the sound. He loved to be read to, to watch Clifford and to play play play.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

You have such great memories. I bet your kids are loving this.