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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

W is for Whale

Our theme today was whales. A very fun theme that has lots of activities to go with it :) Sadly some of our friends weren't here. Christie's great uncle died and she is out of town at his funeral. Other G is sick and Landon wasn't here, I am not sure why but he doesn't always come so I guess this was one of his days.

We played play-doh while everyone was arriving. Then did our calendar/pledge and prayer. We read a story then talked about the letter W. Next we talked about whales. What were they like, how did they have babies and breathe and what did they eat. We had three projects to make. One was a gray whale that we colored, cut up, glued on to paper and then glued a big "W" next to. Next was a little beluga whale puzzle that each child got to make. Lastly we made whales out of paper bags. It's hard to tell in the picture but they turned our really cute. We stuffed the bags and then tied off the end. The kids glued on a fluke, fins and eyes and we put pipe cleaner spouts on top. We danced with our whales to "Baby Beluga." We also had a whale snack. Which was a graham cracker Ocean, with waves and water (frosting and sprinkles) on it and little whales swimming around. They liked frosting and eating :)
of course there was time to play and to dance.


I have a good life said...

How fun! You have always been such a great preschool teacher! I admire you so much.

utmommy said...

SO cute!

Yvonne said...

I bet they all had a ball. You do such great things when you teach.

By the way, Happy Birthday tomorrow!!!

Suzanne said...

That is so cute to do the entire theme on whales! The projects turned out well!

I'm back to Blogging again, but I've set my blog to private. If you'd like to read it, please e-mail me at suzannesto at gmail dot com. :)

Yvonne said...

Well, now that it is April 16th--Happy Birthday!!!