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Too Many To Count Two

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

many mundane things and one wonderful one ;)

Thank you Yvonne for the wonderful award. It's so fun to have on line friends and to know that they enjoy this imaginary friendship as well :)

Today is day 5 spent with the AC guys. Yesterday was day four to the tune of $2075. I think we're up and running now.

Tonight the missionaries are coming to dinner so Lu and I are going to do some cleaning and a bit of shopping at our friendly neighborhood Walmart.

...what an exciting life we lead :)


Yvonne said...

Well deserved award.


Enjoy your evening with the missionaries. It's always a treat to have them in your home, eh?

Cheri said...

Oh my goodness- I think I would have fainted at that bill! Hope it works now for a very long time.