My wallet is full of plastic cards. They allow me to do all kinds of different things. One lets me check out books from the library, another lets me get money out of my bank account (seemingly magically, at least in the eyes of my littles who say just use your debit card when I tell them no to buying something), a third lets me go into the zoo and another the museum. I have cards that say I know CPR, shop too much at Bath & Body works and that I can get a discount at local pizza eateries and oil changing establishments. I have one that tells my blood type. None, however, are as precious to me as the one I used this morning. I made a goal to go to the temple once a month this year. Somehow February flew by and DH and I didn't make it so I traded with my friend Debi and she kept my kids while I went and then next week I'll keep hers while she substitutes.
I had a very nice morning and was so glad that I went. While there I ran into a sister I haven't seen in 15+ years. We were in the same ward in CA. She was a lot older than me, and actually didn't like me much. When I was called to be RS Pres. she thought it should have been her. She left the sacrament meeting crying. It was really hard. I managed to offend her regularly with such infractions as wearing pants shopping (I wasn't being a good example), planning swimming as a homemaking activity (don't know why on that one) and telling her she had so many talents (to which she responded that she was MUCH older and of course had many more talents developed and why would I compare?)
She didn't recognize me, but I did her and I told her I know you, and then we visited. It was really nice. She was very happy to see me and had a very cheerful countenance. Since I last saw her she and her husband have served four missions (one to Kenya, one to the Philippines, one to Washington DC, and one to Korea). Now they are living in TX near their son. Her husband has Parkinson's. She serves in the temple each week. After visiting we hugged tightly. Each glad to see the other.
While I was driving home I thought about our chance meeting and what a small world it is. I am so grateful for the associations we have in the gospel. That the love of the Saviour can make sisters out of people who otherwise have nothing in common. That we can find such peace and joy in service. It is clear to me that her earlier sadness was because she felt under valued. Her children were grown and she had much to offer but wasn't being put to use that way. Serving brought her joy. Brings her joy. The feelings of peace and quiet and rightness is so overwhelming in the temple. It is a refuge to my soul.
Last night DH and I were watching Oprah (DVRed the day before) about the new leadership academy she just opened. She interviewed the students and showed their homes and the humble circumstances they came from. Yet they had a glow and excitement about them. They wanted to learn. I wondered why my children, who have everything, only want more things. They don't memorize poetry, love to do math, or hope to make a difference in their country. Yet they have ever opportunity. That needs to change.
Last night (earlier) we went to see "Bridge to Teribithia" for FHE. It was really good. It is the first movie from book that I have seen that I liked the movie just as well. Admittedly I didn't see the whole thing including the end since the whole family went. That meant I spent some of the time in the foyer with Lucy who didn't want to sit quietly in spite of my bag of tricks (lipstick, popcorn, toys, drinks, etc). H who had to pee, E who wanted a drink. So maybe I missed something awful but the parts I saw I liked.
On the other hand I just endured a book that was SO boring and poorly written. I almost didn't finish, in fact I mostly scanned the last half. It was very cliche and I am annoyed at the writer for wasting my time, and myself for picking it off the library shelf.
Lastly, don't save money on store brand diapers. They leak, always. I know this but was suckered into the lower price again last week and have had more leaking diapers and extra laundry this week.