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Too Many To Count Two

Monday, July 02, 2007

funny things heard at our house today

J: "raise your hand if you are grateful we don't have enough zucchini to make pancakes with yet."

E: "I like being nak*d in our pool, it feels like nothing is holding me down" said while swimming in our two hour window of "warmish" weather and his swim trunks kept slipping down every time he dove in and finally ended up in a puddle on the bottom of the pool.

Lucy: talking on the phone to Grandma "i rash, my byeper, not fiin, byeper."

also Lucy: "my dahdoul" while running around in her byeper bonus points for anyone who can translate 2year old language

S: "why did you let D get that perm when she already had huge hair and braces?"

S: in a shocked voice "J, you graffitied on your temple"

Emma: coming down stairs after watching "The Ring", in the daytime, with a flashlight, and a blanket and two friends..."that wasn't even scary"

J: "Mom, help me kill this stupid mockingbird" she finally finished the book, which she liked, and now we are looking for lessons Scout learned. Tomorrow we'll watch the movie, can't wait.

J: "Mom, you are so acting like a 10 year old" After I called her 12 times and she came only when she heard the phone ring in case it was for her and then she asked me something and I said "I can't hear you"

DH: "just a minute while I beat E at Star Wars"
E:" You mean lose?!"
trash talk the early years

H: singing every Disney theme song all day long...loudly. too much TV, not enough sun.


Anne/kq said...

LOLing at "you graffitied on your temple!"

Poor Lucy, diaper rash is no fun!

You changed your blog format!

Chellie said...

Very cute.. so fun to look back at the funny things you overhear your children say. You are such a good mom to have it all documented. Lucy is such a little cutie.

It must be blog make-over day... LOVE IT!!

Tori :) said...

Love the new look! It looks great!

"J, you graffitied on your temple!" had me laughing!

Suzanne said...

How fun that you've written these down! Maybe you're better at it than me, but if I don't write the cute/absurd things down, I won't remember them within a week. So funny! :)

Joyismygoal said...

hahahaa that was fun I loved all of them very clever post I am having SSAAAD

Katherine@Raising Five said...

Love the byeper conversation. My kids called it that, too!. Just want to give her a squeeze!