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Friday, June 29, 2007

killer bunnies

Today was DH's off Friday. It rained. We did have some windows of dry time when the kids dashed to the pool and played.

little kids playing killer bunnies at the kid table

I worked out this morning, as we do every M W F. It was early. With summer here our whole schedule slide late and it's even harder to wake up and go.

We had book group. We had a small group but it was fun.

Big kids playing at the grown up table :)

Tonight the Cook's invited us and the Smith's over for dinner and to learn how to play killer bunnies. The kids were so excited to go over and play.
The big girls had other plans and since S can drive that is a do-able thing. Which is awesome. J had a bunch of friends who went to the movies. S drove and Z went too. After they came here to watch more movies, in fact they are upstairs now.

Dinner was yummy, the game was very fun, and the company was great. It was a good night.

This is a funny game, complex in the multitude of rules but once you figure out how to play it's fun and fast paced.

1 comment:

utmommy said...

Sounds fun!!