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Too Many To Count Two

Friday, September 28, 2007

who wouldn't want to come sleep over??

What kind of entertainment can you expect to find at a sleep over here at the Casa of Fun? Well, there is the dissecting of owl pellets. Very fun, and disgusting.

There is frolicking on the grass.

Leaping and jumping.

The catching of frogs.
Eating of ice cream, building of forts, reading of stories, tower construction, running amok, laughing hysterically, computer games, movies watching, x-boxing, hide and seeking, front porch roller coaster rides, somersaults...

just NOT a lot of this.
Certainly "sleep"-over is not the right name:)


utmommy said...

I want to come over for a sleepover!

Chellie said...

whoa that frog looks huge....
other than that, looks like a blast!

Yvonne said...

I've always thought it strange that we refer to them as "sleepovers"!!!! Looks like they all had a great time.