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Too Many To Count Two

Friday, November 14, 2008


What a day!

I subbed in a pre K class today. I won't be anxious to do that again. I'd like to get on the list for the High School and do them and the kids school.

I'm ready for a weekend. It was so fun to have Dani here and now I have the post visit blues :(, and I had a hard sub day, and this week I had two talks to give, which is always stressful. The first one went pretty well and second not as well, but at least it's done. I thought I was going first and instead I was last and to make matters worse Justin, who went first & is a better speaker than me in the first place,, and I had to wing it or repeat..maybe I should have repeated, but again, it's over. And to add insult to injury I had to play the piano, which I am so bad at. ...yes, I'd like a little cheese with my whine.

So in light of that I am grateful for opportunities to serve. Because I grow. Opportunities to teach, because I learn. My friends who like me even when I am lame, and the ones who don't even realize that I was lame-o! And Skippyjon Jones, the lettle Siamese cat that thinks he's a chihuahua, because last night when I came home we were able to cuddle up and read out loud our newly acquired books and the kids and Beloved laughed and enjoyed it...and it was fun.


Yvonne said...

I sympathize with the post-visit blues.

We always grow as we are willing to serve.

Hope you have a great weekend.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

You were awesome and as for the piano I was very impressed I think that talent needs to come out from under the bushel more often and will shine even brighter

Krystal said...

I love the book, Skippyjon Jones!! And, I enjoyed all the cute pictures of your cute kids. Even if you didn't have any "winners" for your Christmas card, I still think you ended up with some cute pictures (and fun memories).