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Too Many To Count Two

Friday, December 05, 2008


Christmas Eve 1992. J was 10 days old. Here the girls are at Grandma Joyce's with their cousins. We lived in the same town and were lucky enough to spend a lot of time together. Aunt Valerie was a teacher and I kept the kids during the day, not every year, but many of them. This gave the kids lots of time to play together. People used to think Brittan and Dani were twins when they were babies and I took them places together :) How those little girls loved their bigger cousins! If anything makes me sad it's that they moved away, and we moved away and that time together came to an end. Similarly I am sad for my little three now, they have cousins their age living in stinkin Utah (a million miles away). They love to play together and would be best friends if they could.

Three little princesses!!


Yvonne said...

I love the picture of the three girls--so cute.

Wouldn't it be great if family was all close by--well, then again, maybe we really appreciate each other more because we don't get to spend time together every day???

Pirate Princess said...

I have been enjoying the old pics - so fun to look back! :)