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Too Many To Count Two

Saturday, December 13, 2008


This is sad, we have no pictures of Christmas 2000. Several years ago we had a virus or something dreadful and lost a ton of pictures on our computer. This was before we started backing them up.

No paper, no digital. We did have a Christmas though, I am sure of it. It's really not about pictures and presents or even carols and lights. It is about a babe born in a manger and I am so grateful that he was. That Mary and Joseph did all that they could to raise him and keep him safe. That He came, even in the lowliest of circumstances, to live a perfect life and then to atone for the sins of all mankind. What a miraculous blessing and miracle that is for us. So even though I love the lights and the music and the gifts and the holiday movies and cookies and spending time with my family even without all that fun and joy and happy times the wonder of the season is still there and is still the most precious gift of all.

1 comment:

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

That is sad! Does anyone else have at least some? Several years ago (pre digital) we spent Christmas with friends. I got a new flash for my very ancient camera, and almost none of our pictures turned out. It was my second child's first Christmas and I was so sad. Luckily they had taken some pictures so they shared those with me.

I have all my pictures on my laptop hard drive and on two different external hard drives. I am an over achieiver :)