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Monday, August 07, 2006

Been Tagged "5 Things"

I was tagged by Fold My Laundry Please. The idea is an easy one 5 categories, 5 items each. Ready! Go!

5 Things In My Freezer: ice cream, frozen veggies, baggies of shredded zucchini, chicken, and ice cubes

5 Things In My Closet: shoes, clothes, towels, toilet paper and a wedding dress

5 Things In My Car: DVD's, baby wipes, a couple pairs of H's shoes, water bottles and assorted trash.

5 Things In My Purse: It's actually a diaper bag and holds everything: diapers, wipes, magic soap, markers, and gum. (and the list could go on!)

5 Things In My Wallet: temple recomend, library card, medical card, VISA, and drivers license.

Again, I never know who to tag but if you want to come on and join the fun!


Tori :) said...

I could cut YOUR 5 things tag and paste it on my blog. Our answers would match almost exactly! Thanx for visiting my blog.

Lei said...

I love how your diaper bag is also your purse. That is so me!

Anonymous said...

What's this magic soap you got?

talitha said...

Those were great--you really can learn a lot about a person through the little things!

Lana said...

magic soap is antibacterial liquid soap that you don't need water for. I don't know what you call it.