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Too Many To Count Two

Friday, August 04, 2006

Ward Swim Day

Every Friday we have a ward swim day. This week was our turn to host. It was well attended.

Today was particularly wonderful for me because baby G learned how to use floaties!! Wow, how liberating for us both. She LOVED them.
I still have to stay right there by her side but she can swim around and jump in and I don't have to keep my hand right on her anymore. It was so fun for her, and much more relaxing for me. Yeah for floaties!!!

I really enjoy our pool and enjoy sharing it with our friends. We have people over swimming most days of the week, which is fun. Official swim days have a lot more people then a normal day and the kids enjoy it a lot.

I can't believe we only have two weeks of summer vacation left. :(


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so envious. I want a pool too. Where do you live again? J/K

I'm glad you guys are having so much fun. And yay for floaties!

Mall Worker said...

I'm glad that G learned how to use the floaties! Looks like everyone had a great time!