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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sunday's child is full of grace

Today is H's 7th birthday. I always say this but I can not believe how fast time has gone by.

So, the birthstory:

My family was visiting from CA. DH and I were getting sealed in the temple. I was sealed before and we had been waiting on a cancellation. A few weeks before H was due we finally got it and so we scheduled a date and everyone came out. We went to the temple on the 14th and later that evening my Dad said to me "well, I am leaving back to CA in two days so I want you to have the baby tomorrow."

I have always been an obedient daughter :)
We went to bed and a few hours later I woke up having contractions. I woke DH up and we lay in bed for a minute being excited. Then we got up and snuck out of the house. We had my family sleeping everywhere :)

We drove the half hour to the hospital speeding along. DH was very nervous. I was breathing through frequent contractions.

It was HOT and the air was still and all was quiet when we pulled up to the hospital. DH parked the car in a 10minute parking only spot and we went up to delivery. I had a contraction in the parking lot, one in the lobby, another in the elevator. Get the picture? We walked up to the desk and the nurses said can we help you? I said we're having a baby, then had a contraction and they hopped right up. We got a room and DH had to run down and re park the car while I got changed.

When he got back I was on the bed kneeling on my hands and knees (turns out she was sunny side up and that felt the 'best")and they were asking questions (most annoying) and trying to draw blood (which was dripping onto the floor..the poor phlebotomist wanted me to hold my hand in the air to make an easier stick...sorry, and exCUSE me?!)

I think we were in the hospital about a half hour when the doctor came in the room and they told me to lay on my back so he could check, which I was not happy to comply with. I was complete. A few pushes and out she came. We cried, she cried. It was a sweet moment.

DH was excited to call everyone so even though most people still considered it the middle of the night he started making phone calls. We sat and stared at her and marveled at the little life we had been loaned to raise and love.

That day she was quiet and peaceful and we had visitors who were happy to see her before going home to CA and Uncle Michael to Utah.

Nana and Abba met her a few weeks later. By that time she was already growing a large hemangioma that would set the tone for the rest of the next many years for her. We did have a few weeks of sweetness and calm though.

I am grateful to have this sweet, strong willed, funny, bright girl as my dear daughter! Today her birthday wish was for me to get a baby-sitter and just the two of us to go to the mall shopping for school clothes. I can't wait to go!!!


Mel said...

Oh, such a sweet birth story! Thanks for sharing!

Tori :) said...

I love birth stories! Thanks for sharing!

Joyismygoal said...

that was so nice, I hope you two have fun at the mall, Happy Birthday H:)

Anonymous said...

Love your story! I'm a stay at home mommie with two little girls that I love to dress in high quality, trendy, up to the minute outfits! I think mom's know that children's clothing need to hold up over a million obstacles! Hundreds of washings, tea parties and playtimes! I really love brands like, Kate Mack, Ave. Blu, Baby Nay and Patricia Ann Designs. I found a wonderful store with these designers and more at

Code Yellow Mom said...

So sweet!

Happy Birthday, H!

utmommy said...

You are such a great story-teller!! Loved it! Have fun shopping.